With the financial support of Devon County Council, working through One Northern Devon, we are running Torrington 100 as a pilot scheme. It will run until June 2020 when it will be evaluated and then hopefully extended for a longer period of time.

Purpose of the Pilot

“To improve the wellbeing of residents of Great Torrington and it’s satellite villages by creating a local partnership made up of residents, volunteers and providers of public and private services who will work together to tackle local issues using shared assets, resources and expertise.”

Specifically we are aiming to:

  • Design/redesign services around the person not the agency
  • Gain an understanding of problems faced by individuals by engagement with residents
  • Foster community spirit and support volunteers
  • Focus on prevention and improving well being
  • Develop a coordinated, multi-agency , multi-disciplinary approach and central point of contact
  • Establish tangible benefits to collaboration
  • Explore the potential for the commissioning and delivery of services
  • Share the ownership and responsibility of local issues
  • Share collective assets to address needs
  • Hold ourselves to account on behalf of Great Torrington and its villages
  • Build sustainability into the partnership and community

Community Developers

We are fortunate to have the funding to provide two Community Developers, Bridget Cordory and Cathy Richards (see contact details) who are working with our partner organisations and the local/parish councils to make the Pilot a success.

Key Partnerships

Our key Partners are:

who deliver a range of support services and the crucial ‘Arts and Culture’ focus that makes Torrington 100 different

who provide the employment services and local management support

See here for our other Partnerships

Our Difference

There are three factors that make Torrington 100 different:

  1. Arts and Culture Focus – The relationship with The Plough Arts Centre gives a unique proposition that utilises the arts and cultural activities to promote wellbeing
  1. Rural Setting – Covering 100 square miles of rural North Devon, our communities face very different challenges to those only found in towns
  1. NHS Links – The close relationship with the local NHS Link Worker will integrate the Community Wellbeing activities with the NHS Social Prescribing initiative


A Steering Committee is responsible for the overall governance of the pilot – it is made up of the Key Partners and other local bodies. It liaises with a Wider Stakeholder Group to make sure that all relevant parties have an input and can make a contribution. For more information on the Governance Model click here.